GADVASU issues Advisory to Prevent Degradation of Milk

Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) on Thursday issued an advisory for dairy farmers to prevent the degradation of milk during the summer and rainy season.

Dr Amandeep Sharma of College of Dairy Science and Technology, said, “To prevent the degradation of milk quality during the summers and rainy days, the dairy owners and milk handlers must keep themselves ready for better handling of milk so that best quality can be provided to the consumers. A veterinary doctor should be consulted immediately if the animal shows any symptom of some disease.”

He added that personal hygiene of the person handling the animal should be maintained. The milking area should be properly cleaned. The udder and teats of the animal should be properly washed before milking. The utensils or milking machine should be properly washed before milking. The after-milking guidelines of the doctor should be followed. The milk storage vat/utensil must be washed thoroughly. Use only hot water to wash the milking equipment. The milk must be chilled immediately after the milking and the persons involved in milking must wash their hands thoroughly.

Dr Sharma also advised that a person having communicable diseases must not milk the animal. Do not keep the milk at room temperature and do not use any steriliser to wash the milking equipment. Do not follow any animal health-related advice of any person other than the veterinary doctor.


Read: Heat Stress During Summer Reduces Milk Production in Livestock

Source: The article is extracted from HindusthanTimes, June 18, 2020.
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